Loom Opens Storefront in Edgewater

Storefront open at the new Loom Chicago location.

EDC is so proud to welcome Loom Chicago to the neighborhood! We recently got to chat with Rebecca Hamlin-Green and Rachel Hector, two women working with the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago to bring Loom to Edgewater. This business is new to the Edgewater neighborhood, as they just moved into a space after operating from the St. Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Church which is where Catholic Charities’ Refugee Resettlement offices are located.

One of the women at the knitting station.

The mission of Loom is to empower “refugee women living in Chicago who weave together their creativity and cultural traditions to make and sell beautiful handmade products. These women have fled their country of origin because of a credible fear of persecution on account of their race, religion, political opinion, national origin, or social group”.

Close up of the weaving studio.

Their new space in Edgewater took a while to find. If you’re looking to locate in Edgewater, contact EDC to learn about available properties in the neighborhood. The women over at Loom have found Edgewater to be so “warm and welcoming to Loom as we’ve gotten our start in the community. The refugee women who participate in the program love the new studio and have enjoyed coming to the new space these past few weeks”. Their new space has provided more availability for the women to drop in and make their crafts, with dedicated areas for each type of craft as shown in the images.

Reflecting on their recent move, Hamlin-Green and Hector tout Edgewater as “diverse, friendly and welcoming”. As a community, Edgewater is richer with Loom among us, so support their new location at 6333 N Clark Street, and let us know what you think! Also, check out their Instagram @loomchicago, Twitter @LoomChicago, and Facebook Page

Do you like the work we are doing to bring new businesses to the neighborhood? Support our mission and make a tax-deductible donation through our new donation page.